Douglas Fir Yorkshire boarding cladding 20mm


Douglas fir Yorkshire boarding cladding refers to the use of Douglas fir timber as a cladding material in the Yorkshire style. Cladding is a process of covering the external walls of a building with an additional layer, providing protection, insulation, and aesthetic appeal.

When using Douglas fir Yorkshire cladding, the timber cut into planks or boards that are then attached to the exterior walls of the building. The boards may be installed horizontally, vertically, or in a specific pattern, depending on the desired aesthetic effect. The cladding helps to protect the underlying structure from weather conditions, improve insulation, and give the building a distinctive look.



SKU: 456212313 Categories: , Product ID: 12313


Douglas fir Yorkshire boarding cladding refers to the use of Douglas fir timber as a cladding material in the Yorkshire style. Cladding is a process of covering the external walls of a building with an additional layer, providing protection, insulation, and aesthetic appeal.

Cladding with Douglas fir involves attaching the timber planks or boards to the exterior walls of a structure, providing protection against the elements while enhancing the building’s aesthetic appeal. Douglas fir cladding is favoured for its natural resistance to decay and insects, making it a popular choice in construction and woodworking. The timber can be installed in various orientations and patterns, depending on the desired visual effect. It is advisable to consult with professionals to ensure proper installation, compliance with building codes, and maintenance considerations for Douglas fir cladding projects.

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20mm x 60mm x 2.0m – £5.28, 20mm x 60mm x 4.0m – £10.56, 22mm x 60mm x 5.0mm – £13.20, 20mm x 70mm x 3.0m – £9.24, 20mm x 70mm x 4.0m – £12.32, 22mm x 70mm x 5.0m – £15.71, 20mm x 95mm x 3.0m – £11.12, 20mm x 95mm x 4.0m – £14.82, 20mm x 95mm x 5.0m – £18.53, 20mm x 120mm x 4.0m – £18.72, 20mm x 120mm x 5.0m – £23.40, 22mm x 145mm x 5.0mm – £28.84